Mar 2, 2009


I think i had better do a little mini review of "Basilisk" before I forget all about the story and characters. First thing that comes to my mind about this anime? Hmm, its full of ecchi stuff??? LOL! Then again, it is exactly this point which makes the anime realistic, in my opinion. All those guesses I had in my mind, when Okoi was gonna be "touched" sooner or later, Oboro was about to be raped when Tenzen wanted to have a 1-to-1 talk with her and this Kagerou getting raped by Tenzen (to his pleasure and dismay of dying from her poison XD). Oh and all the boobie-grabbings >.<
But of cos I think the anime is not without its redeems and as a female species, I actually liked the anime for its other aspects. I think the couple pairings in this story are very touching (although I'm kinda sick of the Oboro-Gennosuke pairing, because that is like a typical Romeo-Juliet story which is so common in other stories *yawn*).

Needless to say, I think Hotarubi and Yashamaru's story is very sad and bitter-sweet. Guy was happy he got chosen to represent his clan, unknown to him that it would be the last time he sees his lover and vice-versa. He died but all along his lover was thinking of him and praying for his safety. Even after she found out that he is gone, she was thinking of avenging him. Some might think this is a very stupid and dumb notion, but I think it takes great courage. Even to her last breath, she was thinking and longing for him, to the point even the enemy who killed her could understand her sad feelings. It was so sad seeing the 2 butterflies fly away becos both have died, but there was a bitter-sweet feeling to it at least they can be together in the afterlife.

Another pairing which I feel is very sad and touching is Akeginu and Koshirou's. It seemed to me that Koshirou liked Oboro all along, unknown to the feelings that Akeginu had for him all along. And this he only realised when he was breathing his last breath, killed by Kagerou, whom he thought was Akeginu kissing him. The sad part about this is he had to die in this way, the good part about it.... was that eventually, he did realise Akeginu's feelings for him and recipocated that. It was sad that Akeginu could never realise he died thinking about her.

Even the relationships between non-couples are very subtle and touching. When Okoi died just moments before her brother Saemon could reach her, and how he in disguise had to "communicate" with her just by tapping her hand with his fingers. It was emotionally-choking for me to watch that. I guess I'm a person who easily feels sad or easily feels too emotional and cries while watching shows, even reading books. Imagine your sibling whom you have lived all your life with, who cares for you
, loves you... and yet you either had to witness her dying infront of you and yet show no emotion when that happens because you had to continue pretending. Or imagine you dying in such a way, that you know you're leaving this world, but yet you could not call out to your brother, cry nor hug him before your last goodbyes. What was worse is, Saemon could not even retrieve back the body of his sister. I know in this show everyone dies... so maybe no point in burying a dead person when everyone else just dies like that.

As for the good-looking guys in this anime, I think there were only a few in this show. XD (Not in order of preference) Gennosuke, Yashamaru, Koshirou, Tenzen (??? Hmm he is not bad if without his weird hairstyle with 2 curly parts and his sick way of reviving) and Hyouma. Out of all these, I think my fave would be Hyouma. I didn't like the naive-ness of Gennosuke, nor his young short-tempered character. Yashamaru seemed quite likeable by most girls, the witty and bad-boy type. I think Akeginu was in love with Koshirou for his great protective-ness over Oboro. Actually, after the part where Tenzen revived after getting poisoned by Kagerou, I was thinking they could be together! He is the only man where she does not have to worry about poisoning after they've had something sexual! =x

As for why my fave is Hyouma, even though he does not have any romantic pursuits in this story.... he just seemed so calm, intelligent and he had this "brooding silence aura"! Just erm, makes me want to get to know him better lol! XD *blush*

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