Mar 1, 2009

1st March

First of all, I would like to wish my friends Weiling and ZR a very happy birthday today =) Although I'm not so sure what is the possibility of WL reading this blog post lol!

Today's a rather fun day, despite the heavy downpour of rain in the mid-afternoon. Went to Pet Safari at Vivocity and had a very pleasant, fun time seeing the staff there groom some dogs / cat. It was the first time I have ever seen a cat being groomed. The cat was very big in size though, it could almost be as big as a dog, but its fur were a very nice, thick coat of white. I'm sure it belongs to some rich people who could fed it til it was about garfield's size heheh! =p Then there were also toy poodles being groomed, brown-colored ones. The color and the fluffy fur on their heads really
make them look like teddy-bear heads.

Other dog breeds which really tugs on my heart-strings are Golden Retrievers, Japanese Spitz, Pomeranian, Samoyed and Shiba Inu. (or at least, those are the breeds that I saw so far today) I think my fave has got to be the Japanese Spitz and Golden Retrievers. (Example of a Japanese Spitz is shown below.)

Hmm I really wonder when I would be able to afford one. A caucasian bought a Golden Retreiver puppy at the Pet Safari when I was there today. Think it was priced at a hefty $3k. Wow.... And other breeds of puppies were not cheap either. A Yorkland Terrier cost $2800+. Well, one good way of saving money AND saving animals' lives would be adopting pets from SPCA. A adopt dog, would only cost about $175 (for a male one) at SPCA for its medical expenses. In a way, it would be saving the dog's life too..... rather than it being put to sleep eventually, if it still doesn't find a home to go to. =( I think that is very sad. But of cos, most abandoned pets at the SPCA are not your cutesy, small, toy-ish looking dogs. Most of the time, they are big ones whom people just don't find that cute to rear anymore or their HDB flats are just not able to house them anymore. I think I would consider this notion for awhile more. Maybe even til after I've shifted home mid of this year to see if everyone in the family is really ok even if I adopt a pet from SPCA. Really wanna help these poor animals with no home.

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